� Booking department of transport is at the Marketing department of the Imperial joint stock company
Call Centre
Tel. 00385 (0)51 66 77 90
Fax. 00385 (0)51 72 41 17
e-mail: transfer@imperial.hr,
� Working hours: Monday to Friday 07:00 � 18:00 h and Saturday 08:00 � 13:00 h
� Transport reservation rendering option is at least 5 days in advance, later upon possibilities and agreement.
� Reservation has to contain date and the time of arrival and flight number, and date and the time of departure and flight number, and the name of the Hotel on the island of Rab.
� For other passengers loading and unloading site is: bus station in Rab, bus station in Lopar and Hotel Padova.
� Passenger can pay directly to Imperial, by the driver or at the agency which is Imperial's contract partner